Monday, June 11, 2012

Continually Playing Catch Up

It's been almost 2 months since my last post!  Whoops!

Well, in the last 2 months...

I finished my first year of graduate school
Chosen my thesis and gotten it approved
Started 3 summer jobs (one of which is an internship)
Moved to our new apartment
Gotten my wedding dress refitted after losing 20 pounds!

Those are the biggies.

So in a week we will be halfway to my hometown.  In 2 weeks we will be back in Waco, all married.

I've been thinking a lot over the last few months about how I won't be known by my maiden name anymore.  I've always been known by my family (mostly my dad), partly because it's not a terribly common name.  Last I checked, there were only about 800 in the country with that spelling.

I know I'll love my new name.  It sounds nice.  And I'll love being identified with my (soon-to-be) husband.  (He did, however, say that he would let me do whatever I wanted with the name situation--take his, hyphenate, keep mine as is... I've chosen to take his.)

It's just a weird feeling.  After 25 1/2 years of being known a certain way, that's going to change.  Just like it was weird when I started my student teaching over 3 years ago and became known as Ms. Minott instead of Sarah.  I've gotten used to it, and I even like it a lot.  Now I'll be known by another name.  I hope I quickly learn to answer to it!

So, beyond the thinking about names....

We booked our honeymoon to Scotland!  Yes, be jealous, but not necessarily as much as you might be.  We're going also for my thesis research and for Chris to visit a university he's thinking about attending for his PhD.

Either way, though, I'm stoked.  It'll definitely be an adventure!

I'm sure there are other things going on, but with all the wedding tasks I need to do and 3 jobs and being tired, I can't think of any more.

Peace be with you, and we'll see if I can try not to wait another 2 months for a new post.

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