As of right now, I am as far with my thesis as I can be. The formatting is corrected per my meeting yesterday. The revisions and edits are applied per my committee chair's comments. I have yet to hear from my 2nd reader, but I understand all of us writing theses in the program turned them in to him within a couple days.
But I'm almost done. Barring any major further edits from my 2nd reader, my thesis is ready for my defense. Then I defend. Then I do any last edits. Then I turn in a boatload of paperwork to the graduate school. Then I'm done. Then I graduate. Then we move.
Ahhhh!!! So close!
This has been my major focus the last couple of weeks. My weight loss has suffered thanks to cookies and milk while working, but it could be worse.
Chris is officially lighter than me. It got a bit worse. I mean, I don't begrudge him. I'm glad he's kept to it better than I have lately, but I started it. I'm supposed to be just a bit ahead of him at all times. :(
Oh, well. I'll catch up.
Challenge accepted.
After my defense on March 4.