Sunday, July 8, 2012

This Weird Thing Called Marriage

Two weeks and one day ago, I said my vows to my husband.  That's still weird to say.  Husband.  After so many years of wishing and waiting and waiting and more waiting, I can finally call Chris my husband.

Marriage suits me.  I know it doesn't suit everyone.  I know plenty of people who've been happy being single all their lives or at least at this point in their lives.  But marriage suits me very well.

I love having someone to come home to.  Someone to talk to while I fall asleep.  Someone to cook for.  Someone to help with the laundry.  Someone to play video games and card games with (and sometimes beat).  Someone to share my thoughts with that no one else could ever quite understand the way he does.  And he shares with me.

That's one of my favorite parts.  When we sit for hours just talking.  Sometimes about our life goals, sometimes about future children (give us a few years), sometimes about how badly our days went.

There's something about this guy that just makes sense for me to share my life with him.  We really are partners.  I know there will be rough times, I know we'll argue (we're both too stubborn with strong personalities), I know sometimes we'll wonder why we ever got married in the first place.  But the cool part is, I don't think we'll wonder for long.  We'll remember these first few weeks when using titles like husband and wife and falling asleep in each other's arms was not just new but correct.  It's the way life should be.

I know I'm no expert on marriage.  One cannot truly become an expert on anything in two weeks.  Yet I know the greatest thing that a married couple could ever know, ever remember, ever fall back on--love transcends.  Beyond the time of day, beyond the argument, beyond the headaches and hurtful words and impatience.

Now I need to do another load of unending laundry and hang a clock so we're not late for work in the mornings.