Almost 2 months ago I was instructed to lose at least 10% of my body weight. That day I started Weight Watchers.
Now I am almost 20 lbs lighter! Still have a few more to reach the 10% goal, but my goal is to be under 200 by my wedding day (3 months minus 1 day!) I have about 16 more lbs to reach that goal. I also want my collar bones to make an appearance again (my favorite part of wearing prom dresses in high school), and they are surfacing a little!
March 24, 2012
If you look closely, you can see a bit of shadow from my collar bone!
When I started this, my collar bones were smoothly hidden under fat.
I've noticed an increase in energy (not quite a lot, but still noticeable), better sleep without sleep aids (which I'd taken for over 5 years), and less of a craving for icky foods. In fact, I care much more to know what is in the foods I eat, so I've been making more from scratch.
My tops are fitting a bit better, and my pants are too big! It's still frustrating right now that I don't seem to have actually dropped a pant size, but the pants I have stretch out in an hour of wearing them and are too big to sit where they're supposed to sit!
Chris says he can tell I'm losing weight, and the scale backs that up with numbers, so I'll keep at it. Even after the wedding, I plan to keep with the WW lifestyle until I reach a much healthier weight (like 150 lbs). That means I could lose about 80 lbs before I feel like I can back off a little (just not back off enough to put the weight back on).
I know I won't be able to be "skinny" because of my hereditary big bones, but I can certainly be more healthy in my size and weight.
And I'm on my way there!